CTF Dinae

  1. CTF Dinae
  2. Discovery
    1. Description
  3. Scaanning
    1. netdiscover
    2. nmap
    3. gobuster
  4. Exploit

CTF Dinae

CTF Linux

Created At : 2022-01-08 22:16

Count:556 Views 👀 :2188




Welcome to Dina 1.0.1

****-——-_ ___ _———-/__/
_****-—\\ //_ _ \ //////——-/****
_-—|| (( | ))) ||//——/
-–\ ((\ = / ))) //—-//
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_/ ((( (((/
| -))) - ))

This is my first Boot2Root - CTF VM. I hope you enjoy it.

if you run into any issue you can find me on Twitter: @touhidshaikh22

Contact: touhidshaikh22 at gmaill.com <- Feel Free to write mail

Website: http://www.touhidshaikh.com

Goal: /root/flag.txt

Level: Beginner (IF YOU STUCK ANYwhere PM me for HINT, But I don’t think need any help).

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1qWCgvhnTXgNUF6Rlp0c3Rlb0k/view

Try harder!: If you are confused or frustrated don’t forget that enumeration is the key!

Feedback: This is my first boot2root - CTF Virtual Machine, please give me feedback on how to improve!

Tested: This VM was tested with:

Virtual Box 5.X

Networking: DHCP service: Enabled

IP address: Automatically assign


Some challenge issue reported by @eliot

Looking forward to the write-ups!
Doesn’t work with VMware. Virtualbox only. v1 - 10/07/2017 v1.0.1 - 17/10/2017



sudo netdiscover


Only the port 80 iss open.

sudo nmap -sV -p-


gobuster dir -x * -u -w Documents/wordlist/directory-list-common.txt

/cgi-bin/ (Status: 403) [Size: 288]
/index (Status: 200) [Size: 3618]
/secure (Status: 301) [Size: 313] –> []
/tmp (Status: 301) [Size: 310] –> []
/uploads (Status: 301) [Size: 314] –> []

In secure we have a zip file.
And in this zip file we have a file “backup-cred.mp3”
I can’t extract ip because there is a password.

In index we have this page, with a buton “submit query”

In the robots.txt we have something.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /ange1
Disallow: /angel1
Disallow: /nothing
Disallow: /tmp
Disallow: /uploads

In Nothing, in the code source we have this.

my secret pass

Freedom is the password of “backup cred.mp3”

It’s a text file.

I am not toooo smart in computer …….dat the resoan i always choose easy password…with creds backup file….

uname: touhid
password: ******

url : /SecreTSMSgatwayLogin%

Let’s see what is it.

The username should be touhid, let’s try every password is the txt file.
The password is diana.
In the code source we have this.
kurakura cinta kamu.......sampai mati...
I wanted to see the version of the web app to exploit it but I can’t find it.
The application is `playSMS



I’m gonna use this one with metasploit.
I had to install kali linux because I have an error with Arch Linux (Yeah I use it,BTW).

The "shell" command is not supported by this Meterpreter type (php/php)
I will fix the error later.
Resolution scale goes BBRRrrrrrrrrr.

I upgrade my shell with /bin/sh -i

sudo -l to see what I can do, I also search in the home directory but there is nothing interesting.

So I can run perl as root without password.
I’m gonna try the first one.

sudo perl -e 'exec "/bin/sh";'
