How do I setup nitrogen & pywal

  1. What I want
  2. Requirement
    1. Nitrogen
    2. pyWal
  3. Alias
    1. command for nitrogent
    2. Command for pywal
    3. Script it
  4. Set nitrogen at startup

What I want

I want to change my background and the color of my terminal with one command.



sudo pacman -S nitrogen


You can found it on the AUR.
I’m gonna use yay to install it.
you can also use wal for discord and spotify.
yay -Ss pywal
Let’s install it.
yay -S python-pywal


command for nitrogent

nitrogen --set-auto image.png

Command for pywal

wal -i image.png

Script it

The name of the alias will be walp.
In my .zshrc

nitrogen --set-auto "$1"
wal -i "$1"

walp image.jpg

Set nitrogen at startup

I’m going to edit .config/i3/config because I’m using i3

exec --no-startup-id nitrogen --restore