Run non steam game with proton on lutris

  1. Install Steam and proton.
  2. Copy Proton folder.
  3. Configure lutris
    1. Runner options
    2. System options

Install Steam and proton.

On steam:
Setings > Steam Play and toggle the option “Enable Steam Play for Supported Titles”.

Now you can select the last version of Proton and download it via steam.

Copy Proton folder.

You have to copy the proton folder:
And past it wher you want, for me it’s here:

It’s look like this for me:
cp .steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton\ 6.3 .local/share/lutris/runners/wine/Proton\ 6.3 -R

Configure lutris

In the Runners section eddit wine:

Runner options

Wine version: Custom
Custom Wine executable: /home/username/.local/share/lutris/runners/Proton 6.3/dist/bin/wine

System options

Disable lutris Runtime: Yes
Run in a terminal: Yes
Environment variables: Add
Value: /path/to/your/games
Pre-launch script: /home/peanutstick/.local/share/lutris/runners/Proton 6.3/proton
Wait for pre-launch script completion: Yes

Now your games who run with wine will use proton.