Wallpaper selector with sxiv

  1. What it does
  2. What do I use
  3. Walp
  4. sxiv
  5. dmenu

What it does

It will change my walpaper and colors of my polybar theme and firefox.

What do I use

nitrogen for the wallpaper,
pywal for my color scheme,
pywal for for the colors of firefox.


I have a script to change everything but without sxiv.
You have to copy this code somewhere in your path, mine is in /usr/local/bin/walp.
You can type echo $PATH to see more options.

➜  ~ cat $(where walp)
nitrogen --set-scaled "$1"
wal -i "$1"
pywalfox update


You can type this command to see the images in your current folder.

sxiv -t -a * 

I’m gonna use this one to select my future walpaper.

walp $(sxiv -t -a -o ~/Pictures/*)

You have to select the walpaper with the key m and press q to leave.
It’s working well but I was to start it via dmenu because I’m too lazy to type the command.


I like the command walp, I will modify it.

if [ -z $1];
       walp $(sxiv -t -a -o ~/Pictures/*)
nitrogen --set-scaled "$1"
wal -i "$1"
pywalfox update